XANT | Startup
  • By Elliot One


The Startup Template is a single-page template specifically crafted for startups, offering sections dedicated to showcasing services, portfolio items, team members, and a contact form. It features a modern and professional design with responsive tabs for seamless navigation. This template integrates several JavaScript libraries to enhance functionality and user interaction, making it ideal for startups looking to establish a strong online presence.


Key Features

  • Single-Page Layout: Designed as a single-page template, ensuring a concise and streamlined user experience.
  • Sections: Includes sections for services, portfolio, team members, and a contact form, catering to essential startup needs.
  • Modern Design: Offers a contemporary and professional design aesthetic, suitable for showcasing startup offerings.
  • Responsive Tabs: Utilizes jQuery Responsive Tabs for adaptive tabbed content, optimizing display across various devices.
  • Portfolio Filtering: Implements Isotope.js for dynamic filtering of portfolio items, enabling users to sort and view projects based on categories.
  • Animated Counting: Integrates jQuery Counter Up for animated counting effects, ideal for highlighting statistics and achievements.
  • Scroll Animations: Incorporates Wow.js for scroll animations, enhancing visual appeal and user engagement as content comes into view.
  • Scroll Event Handling: Uses jQuery Waypoints for triggering events based on scroll position, enhancing interactivity and user experience.


The Startup Template is perfect for startups seeking a user-friendly and visually appealing website template to effectively communicate their services, showcase their portfolio, introduce team members, and facilitate contact with potential clients or investors.

Contact Us!

If you have a project, need consultation, or want to give feedback, we are here to help.

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