XANT | Legal Professional Website
Legal Professional Website
  • By Elliot One

Legal Professional Website

The Legal Professional Website is a digital platform designed to enhance the online presence of legal professionals and facilitate client interactions.


Key Features

  • Client and Case Counters: Displays dynamic counters for the number of clients, cases, and other metrics, showcasing the legal professional's expertise and experience.
  • Comprehensive Contact Details: Prominently displays contact information, including phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses, making it easy for clients to connect.
  • Dynamic Blog Feature: Shares updates and industry insights, engaging the audience and establishing authority in the legal field.


Key Highlights

  • Three-Layered Architecture: Implemented a scalable and maintainable structure with Core, MVC, and Persistence layers.
  • Tailored CMS: Developed a content management system to empower legal professionals to manage website content effortlessly.
  • Responsive Design: Created a user-friendly and responsive website to establish a professional online presence.
  • Close Collaboration: Worked closely with legal professionals to ensure the website met their specific needs and reflected their expertise.


Used Technologies


  • ASP.NET Core
  • Entity Framework Core (EF Core)
  • SQL Server
  • C#
  • Elmah
  • AutoMapper


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • jQuery DataTables
  • jQuery Validation
  • jQuery Animate Numbers
  • Owl Carousel
  • CKEditor
  • Font Awesome
  • AOS.js

Contact Us!

If you have a project, need consultation, or want to give feedback, we are here to help.

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